Neurological Associate Pain Management Center

Vero Beach, Florida

Thermal Imaging Article

Doctor Hooshmand, authored the following article: Is Thermal Imaging of Use in Pain Management?

Below is an abstract from the article: Is Thermal Imaging of Use in Pain Management?

Please click on the link below to view the full text of this article in PDF-format

Dr. Hooshmand's Thermal Imaging Article 1998


Is Thermal Imaging of Use in Pain Management?

H. Hooshmand, M.D.

Neurological Associates Pain Management Center, Vero Beach, Florida USA

Pain Digest (1998) 8: 166-170


Abstract: Infrared thermal imaging has been used in medicine for diagnosis of conditions such as peripheral can central vascular disease and breast cancer, and a variety of painful conditions such as neuropathic pain and nerve root disorders.

The following text addresses the role of thermal imaging in the diagnosis and management of pain.

Infrared thermography cannot be exclusively diagnostic of a specific disease, but provides important diagnostic information only limited to the thermal function of the sympathetic system. As such, it can be used as both a diagnostic tool and a guide in application of treatment modalities. The following is a review of its application in the management of chronic pain.