Neurological Associate Pain Management Center

Vero Beach, Florida

RSD Puzzles #1-146



RSD Puzzle 1-146


For those of you who are not familiar with Dr. Hooshmand's RSD Puzzles, they are very informative articles that have been written to help educate patients and the medical community regarding the many different aspects of RSD/CRPS.

Some of these RSD Puzzles are questions that patients have sent to Dr. Hooshmand to answer.

At the present time there are 146 RSD Puzzles.

On our website you will find 7 pages under the topic of RSD Puzzles. Each page has 20 RSD Puzzles in the PDF file.

To view these RSD Puzzles #1-146 please click on the links under the subject of RSD Puzzles.

We hope that you will enjoy reading these RSD Puzzles.

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