Neurological Associate Pain Management Center

Vero Beach, Florida

Spine and ANS

Doctor Hooshmand and Eric M. Phillips have co-authored the following article: Spine and the Autonomic Nervous System.

Below is an abstract from the article Spine and the Autonomic Nervous System.

Please click on the link below to view the full text of this article in PDF-format.

Spine and ANS



Hooshang Hooshmand, M.D., and Eric M. Phillips

Neurological Associates Pain Management Center

Vero Beach, FL


Abstract. In acute noxious injuries to the spine, usually the somatic sensory and motor dysfunctions originate an acute pain which is referred to as acute “nociceptive” or somatic pain (Figure 1). In occasional situations the pain

may have a tendency to persist for months or several years after the original injury has healed. This type of persistent pain has been referred to as “neuropathic pain.”

Descriptors. autonomic nervous system, complex regional pain syndrome(CRPS), neuropathic pain, parasympathetic nervous system, somatic nervous system, sympathetic nervous system