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RSD Puzzles© #1-146

Copyright© 1997-2024

RSD Puzzle Orange

Written By: H. Hooshmand, M.D.

There are seven pages under the topic of RSD Puzzles©. Each page has 20 RSD Puzzles© in the PDF file.

To view these RSD Puzzles © #1-146 please click on the links below.

RSD Puzzles #1-20

Below are the titles to RSD Puzzles #1-20. To view these RSD Puzzles, please click on the link below to view the file in PDF-Format.

RSD Puzzles #1-20

1. What is RSD? What is Sympathetic Anyway?

2. RSD as Related to Trauma Injuries

3. RSD and TMJ Pain

4. RSD and Use of Assistive Devices

5. Why Not Use Ice for RSD Therapy

6. Physical Therapy

7. RSD and Pregnancy

8. Possible Progression of RSD 

9. Hair Changes in RSD

10. Can RSD Ever Be Completely Gone 

11. RSD Children, Treatment and Therapy

12. Misdiagnosing Carpal Tunnel in Place of RSD

13. Choices of Blocks for RSD

14. Necessity of Early Diagnosis and Treatment   

15. The Importance of Controlling RSD Pain

16. Fatigue Weakness and Idiopathic Paralysis

17. Use of the Infusion Pump, Why and Why Not

18. Bilateral Involvement of Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS)   

19. RSD and Other Organs

20. Unexplained Temperature Changes

RSD Puzzles #21-41

Below are the titles to RSD Puzzles #21-41. To view these RSD Puzzles, please click on the link below to view the file in PDF-Format.

RSD Puzzles #21-41

21. Symptoms Used to Diagnose RSD

22. Possible Timelines of RSD Recovery

23. Why Not Spinal Cord Stimulator (SCS)?  

24. Visual and Hearing Problems

25. Failure of Repetitive Sympathetic Nerve Blocks in Chronic Stages of RSD

26. Can RSD Be Inherited?

27. I Have Had Blocks and Other Treatments That Did Not Work

28. Contradictions in Regard To the Use of Narcotics

29. "They Tried Morphine Pump, and It Made Me Very Sick, I Was Allergic to It"

30. You Had RSD Before, Sympathetic Nerve Blocks Helped, Now You Don't Have It

31. We have Given all The Nerve Blocks We Could

32. My RSD Started from Injury to the Hand and After Carpal Tunnel Operation, Why Is It I Can't Remember Anything

33. I Can't Take Antidepressants. Elavil Made Me Sad and Exhausted, Caused Dizziness, And Fast Heart Beat

34. Can RSD Involve Internal Organs

35. My RSD Is Four Years Old. I Have Recently Started Having Frequent Infections and My Doctor Tells Me That My Immune System Is Not Functioning Properly. Can RSD Cause the Problem?

36. A Few Years Ago When I Started Suffering From RSD, I Kept Losing Weight. Now After Five Years I Have A Problem with Gaining Weight, Regardless of How Much I Diet Or Exercise

37. Ever Since I Was Affected by RSD I Have Suffered from Irregular, Painful, And Heavy Menstrual Periods. Can This Be Related To RSD?

38. Is Stadol Addicting?

39. Your RSD Is In Remission. If You Have Shaking and Muscle Spasms, This Has Nothing to Do With RSD

40. "Your Swelling of The Joints Is Nothing But, Arthritis. Your Skin Swelling Is Nothing But, Fibromyalgia and Your Skin Rash Is from Skin Diseases, And Has Nothing to Do With RSD".

41. They Have Tried Every Kind of Block, Narcotic, and Antidepressant with No Success. What Should Be Done Now.

RSD Puzzles #42-62

Below are the titles to RSD Puzzles #42-62. To view these RSD Puzzles, please click on the link below to view the file in PDF-Format.

RSD Puzzles #42-62

42. Cranial Facial RSD and Root Canal Procedures

43. The Possible Loss of Fingernails and Toenails in RSD Patients

44. Assistive Devices and Narcotics

45. Agonists and Antagonists

46. RSD and Osteoporosis in Women

47. The Effects of Surgery on RSD Patients

48. MS Contin... Pain Reliever, But Not A Key to Recovery

49. The Role of Bone Scan in the Diagnosis and Management of RSD

50. RSD by any Other Name Is Still The Same

51. Fertility and RSD

52. Should you relay on Prescription Drugs?

53. RSD Does Not Discriminate

54. How to Detoxify

55. Stroke and RSD

56. Prescription Drug Dependence

57. The Stages and Outcome of RSD

58. Medication Research

59. Sympathectomy and Amputation

60. CRPS and Social Security Disability

61. What to do for Severe Pain in the Abdominal and Pelvic Area

62. Axillary Nerve Block

RSD Puzzles # 63-83

Below are the titles to RSD Puzzles #63-83. To view these RSD Puzzles, please click on the link below to view the file in PDF-Format.

RSD Puzzles #63-83

63. Methadone Treatment

64. Can I Still Remain Active with My RSD?

65. The Spread of RSD

66. The Relationship of RSD with Heart Disease

67. What Is Wrong with Operating for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome, Or Thoracic Outlet Syndrome In RSD?

68. Methadone Is No Different Than Other Types of Morphine Agonists In Regard To Tendency For Physical Dependence.

69. More on Physical Therapy and RSD

70. Minor Injury, Common Cause Of RSD

71. Venipuncture RSD

72. Lupus and RSD

73. Skin Lesions and RSD

74. Spinal Cord Stimulator (SCS)

75. Frozen Shoulder: No Surgery

76. Deformed Hands and Extremities In RSD

77. RSD and MRSA

78. Dangerous RSD Treatments

79. Attacks of Stabbing and Electric Shock Pain In RSD Patients

80. Cold and Heat Tolerance

81. Diagnosis of RSD with Nerve Blocks

82. Chemical Sympathectomy

83. Antidepressants and Pain

RSD Puzzles # 84-104

Below are the titles to RSD Puzzles #84-104. To view these RSD Puzzles, please click on the link below to view the file in PDF-Format.

RSD Puzzles #84-104

84. More on Dependency to Drugs

85. Death from Methadone

86. Morphine Pump

87. RSD and Cerebral Palsy

88. Detoxification from Narcotics

89. Does Diabetes Contribute to RSD?

90. RSD and Treatment of Trophic Ulcers

91. RSD, Opioids and Sex

92. Is Methadone Treatment Safe?

93. Will A Rhizotomy Help My RSD?

94. Information on Catapres or Clonidine Patches

95. Neurontin 

96. RSD and Thoracic Outlet Syndrome

97. RSD of the Mouth

98. Weight Problems

99. Shoulder Hand Syndrome

100. RSD and Diabetic Neuropathy

101. Surgical Resection and RSD

102. Ice versus Heat

103. Good Days and Bad Days" Neurovascular Instability of RSD

104. Alcohol Blocks and Chemical Sympathectomy

RSD Puzzles # 105-125

Below are the titles to RSD Puzzles #105-125. To view these RSD Puzzles, please click on the link below to view the file in PDF-Format.

RSD Puzzles #105-125

105. Lumbar Ganglion Sympathetic Block versus Caudal Sacral Canal Fluoroscopy Nerve Block

106. Complications of Spinal Cord Stimulator (SCS)

107. Poor Memory and Visual Problems: RSD Has 4 Principles

108. Cold, Flu, and Infections in RSD

109. Chocolate and RSD

110. Chest Pains and RSD

111. Reason for I.V. Mannitol Treatment

112. The Mechanism of Action of Mannitol

113. Nerve Blocks for RSD Spread

114. Hypersensitivity of an RSD Extremity to Touch

115. Mannitol Treatment for CRPS

116. Harmful Effects of Amputation

117. The Role of Neuro-Inflammation in Pathophysiology of Thermal Regulation

118. CRPS and Suicide

119. RSD and Osteopenia

120. Malpractice and RSD

121. Acupuncture in CRPS (RSD)

122. Hip Replacement and RSD

123. Traumatic Stellate Ganglion Block

124. Nerve Blocks

125. Manipulation under Anesthesia

RSD Puzzles # 126-146

Below are the titles to RSD Puzzles #126-146. To view these RSD Puzzles, please click on the link below to view the file in PDF-Format.

RSD Puzzles #126-146

126. CRPS (RSD) and Pruritus

127. CRPS and Vulvodynia

128. Sporadic Changes in CRPS/RSD

129. CRPS and Disc Protrusions

130. Eye Complications in CRPS

131. Destructive lesion cause more pain and aggravation of CRPS

132. Is Stereotactic Surgery helpful for CRPS?

133. CRPS and Headaches

134. The Use of Epsom Salt

135. Treatment of Frozen Shoulder

136. Facet Blocks (Prolotherapy) vs. other Blocks

137. The Climate and its Effect on CRPS (RSD)

138. Electrical Injury and Sympathetic Dysfunction

139. RSD and Neuropathy

140. The Benefits and Side Effects of Infusion Pump

141. Full Term Pregnancy and RSD

142. Surgical Treatment in CRPS/RSD

143. Radiofrequency (RF)

144. Excessive Itching and Neuropathic Pain with Dysesthesia (e.g., pins and needles) in CRPS

145. Hot and Cold Challenge in the Treatment of Early Stages of RSD/CRPS

146. Allergic Reactions and CRPS/RSD 

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